We would like to invite you to become a member of TSSC today. TSSC hosts membership socials from August to May. These are a great opportunity for you to visit with friends or meet new ones. Complete a membership form to join and get the most up to date information about our socials and fundraising events, as well as updates on what TSSC is currently doing in the community.
Active Members: Spouses of active duty, active reserve and Air Reserve Technicians (ARTs). Active members are eligible to vote, hold office, chair committees, participate in general membership and authorized meetings and enjoy all privileges of TSSC.
Associate Members: Spouses of retirees or civilian employees, or those representing foreign Armed Forces assigned to SJAFB, as well as spouses of members of the Military Affairs Committee and Seymour Support Council. Associate members have all the privileges of Active Members, except holding elected office.
Social Members: Widows/widowers or spouses of MIAs (as long as their marital status remains unchanged). Social members will have the privilege of attending all SJAFB social functions and will not pay dues, hold office, or vote.
Please email us for all requests at this time. Thank you.
Please review the following PDF that contains Team Seymour Spouses Club's Constitution & By-Laws.
Membership is free and based on a one year term: Jan 1, 2024 - Jan 31, 2025
**Individuals desiring membership and keeping with the spirit of the club's mission statement, but ineligible based on criteria, will be voted for approval by the governing board on a case by case basis.